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GC&A helps clients achieve their goals in the sale of their business.
Whatever personal or strategic motivations is assigned to a cession, we act immediately alongside the leader and help the company and its management team to define their objectives with a first action plan.
Thus we identify the risks and difficulties that may be obstacles to an assignment or transmission.
We prepare the proof of the case (the Investment Plan) under the strategy, issues and deliverables.
We quickly bring added value to our customers by identifying a range of potential buyers internationally.
GC&A shapes each transfer process to be in line with the specific objectives of the client.
We advise you on the main points to be addressed in detail to prepare your sale transaction and help you plan the transfer process.
Before signing a mandate, we perform for you an analysis of the determinants of the operation factors: optimum timing, expectations sale price, predictable quality of the list of potential buyers, chances of success, timeliness desired, need to maintain the confidentiality of the transaction.
Upon the sales mandate being entrusted to the experts at GC&A, we help you position yourself for our assignment and we support you step by step during the transfer process, with an operational project management.

GC&A offers the following benefits applying a proven method:

Phase 1
Preparation and planning:
• Preparation of a detailed business diagnosis
• Advice on the optimum timing of the transfer
• Review of seller motivations with definition of strategic objectives and consideration of others alternatives
• Establishment of a negotiating strategy for the sale with definition of a typical profile of the buyer and clarification
of the level of risk accepted
• Analysis / contract (s) which will come from the buyers (current situation, structure, trends, actors, etc.)
• Evaluation of the determinants of the value of the company and recommendations on any financial and
accounting grooming to enhance the attractiveness of the asset
• Preparation of a comprehensive evaluation report applying different standards
• Tips for transaction structures possible for the assignment
• Setting of a realistic schedule for the conduct of the sale process

Support and representation at all steps of the operation:

• Definition of criteria for selection of potential buyers
• Preparation of all documents necessary for the promotion and sale of the company
(teaser, information memorandum,PowerPoint)
• Constitution of the project team (multidisciplinary,including, accounting, legal and other experts)
• Search buyers (screening) and establishing an initial list (long list)
• Direct approach of potential buyers’ confidentially first contacts after sending teasers, evaluation of candidates and
therefore validation of the trading strategy chosen for the assignment
• Decision (or not) to pursue private trading
• Signature with potential of a confidentiality agreement that protects the information provided prior to any
disclosure documents buyers
• Selection / of interesting candidates (s) after agreement with the client establishing a limited list of potential buyers
• Presentation of the information memorandum to potential buyers few, evaluation and selection of indicative tenders
(non binding) received in return
• Help to private negotiating the terms of the first agreement, preparation and signing of a letter of intent with one selected
buyer or continuing contacts with several buyers through an auction process.

Phase 2
• Coaching of Management Rating factors and cultural differences in game
• Training of Management sessions of presentation of the company (management presentations)
• Organisation of visits, communication management information to buyers and arrangement of the data room
• Complete Tracking due diligence (depth diagnosis of the company) strategic, financial and accounting,organizational,
environmental, social, fiscal and legal
• Identification of future discussions and gathering answers to questions from the purchaser,
• Intercultural mediation between seller and buyer (s) potential (s)
• Coordination of negotiations and contacts with the / potential buyers and guidance, evaluation and selection firm offers
(binding offers) received through auction
• Coordinating the drafting of legal documents by external consultants
• Help exclusive negotiations with a buyer to signing the final purchase contract (closing)
• Organization and holding of closing.

Phase 3
Post Sale Management:
• Supervision of the payment of the price and monitoring and management of the transition period:
explaining to employees, executives, customers, suppliers, bankers with possible resolution of some cases
(disputes, commercial negotiations, contract renewals ...)
• Monitoring and management of post transfer performance (Advocacy seller especially with a possible follow earn
out clause (earn -out) based on future achievements of the Company)
• Intercultural relationship monitoring between sold company and acquiring company
• Follow-up agreements with seller-advocacy